
Test your pouch

How it works… For total peace of mind, we give you direct access to the test results (from the independent experts, Geneius) for every batch of Little Freddie baby food. That means you can see all the good stuff that is in Little Freddie and find proof positive there isn’t anything nasty in there at all.

Use your smartphone

You can even test your pouch while out-and-about using your Smartphone. Simply scan the QR code on the back of the pouch or pack to go straight to the Geneius site. Enter the batch number to see instant results of extensive, independent tests carried out on the batch of food you’re holding in your hand.

STEP 1. Scan QR code


STEP 2. Enter batch code

STEP 3. Redirect to test results on Geneius website

From the website

Simply click on the link below and it’ll take you directly to the website of our independent test specialist, Geneius. Just enter the batch number from your Little Freddie pouch and the test results will come up immediately.